Monday, September 21, 2009

OSU Game=Trip to Cleveland!!

Hey guys, how's it goin? This weekend we had the OSU game in Cleveland Browns stadium, which was pretty cool. We lost, our team was sub-par, as was the fan turn-out and the bands performance, but it still was a pretty good time. We got to explore Crocker Park, we walked around forever. Then later Marc and I walked around the hallways for a while, then we got our swell on in the gym. Then we tried to go to sleep because we had a long day before us, but one of the people we were rooming with snored, like no other. Oh yea, I forgot to tell you, we drove down there in the evening, the night before and we stayed overnight in a hotel. We didn't get back till after one in the morning...I was tired.

Monday, September 14, 2009

Random Stories...(Part 1)

Our door got baby powdered today...I woke up, went to go take a shower, and there was baby powder all over the floor in the hallway, and all over our after my shower I just cleaned it up, wasn't a problem-amateurs.

Unrelated story, Ally and I were walking in the student and I pressed the button to make the doors open up, instead of just pushing them myself...she called me lazy. After we walked through the doors, a couple of guys were walking and they were like "SCORE! We didn't even have to press the button!" Must be a guy thing...

We were at dinner one day, and Mike got up to get more to eat, so I put four or five sugar packets in his almost-empty Mountain Dew (it was fair-game, he walked away), turns out he noticed the quarter-inch thick layer of sugar...Kurt and I just blamed it on the Mountain Dew's natural sugar content.

I feel like I should be on MLIA now, Marc was super bummed so I was talking to him and stuff, after an intense evaluation I ruled it a dementor attack.

I wanted to pull a prank on Kurt by put his phone in his ceiling, then calling it so he'd look EVERYWHERE for it and wouldn't be able to find it. I managed to get his phone but he was in his lofted bed, so I had to hide it behind some Ramen Noodles, then I called it. Nothing happened. He started looking for it (for no apparent reason) and he couldn't find it, so I was like, here Kurt, I'll call it. Then he tells me, don't bother-its on silent.

For those who care-everything else is going pretty good so far, classes aren't too bad, but the food just keeps getting worse...

Thursday, September 10, 2009

President Wimer

So I joined FYRE (First Year Rocket Engineers) and I signed up to be a candidate for President. Yesterday we had elections and I just (about an hour ago) found out that I am the 2009-2010 President of FYRE. I'm pumped, I finally caught a break, although the guy I wanted to be my VP isn't anything...But I'm still excited, looks like it's going to be a great year (anyone smell a scavengerhunt, UT edition?)

P.S.-I just thought I'd add that campus is getting TRICKED OUT because of the Colorado game Friday, Im pumped-Look for me on ESPN

Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Another one of Jon's great moments of BS

Mike and I went to Marc and Kurts room to hang out and Mike (who was sitting across from Kurt, who was next to me) told Kurt to watch a video online, I noticed that Kurt was busy on facebook so I was like "[to mike] he's at the site [to Kurt] click on that video" so then Kurt just keeps on surfin facebook, and he starts laughing at the situation, so Mike, who thinks he's laughing at the video starts laughing too, then he asks Kurt which part he's at in the video, and I answer "the part where the guy pulls his guts out" so they both laugh [Mike at the video that ISNT playing at Kurt at the fact that Mike thinks we're watching the video]...Its one of those "You had to be there" times...

Monday, September 7, 2009

Prank #1

So Mike and I aways check the mail as we walk by via a small glass window built in to our mailbox. We also always complain about how we never have any mail...So before I left for Labor Day weekend, I stuffed our mailbox FULL of fliers and coupons, to make him think we got a ton of mail. After I left I texted him saying I was getting a package, so check the mail and if anything comes in, text me. Later that night I was with Jaco and we told Mike to check the mail because I was getting something from E-Bay, [Jon 1 Mike 0] he then replied to Jaco, Jon stuffed the mailbox full of crap, so I hid it all around his stuff so he'll be finding it for the next month... [Jon 1 Mike 1] Then, with the leftovers that were sitting on my desk, we slid them under Marc and Kurts door (their friends of ours), and waited for them to get back. When they finally arrived we could hear them from our hiding places like "What the heck!?!" and Marc just started laughing. [Jon 2 Mike 2 Kurt&Marc 0] so then we got into a war with Rana, stuffing them under our doors, then Mike and I went downstairs and got another 100 fliers, then shoved ALL of them under/in/on/around/in between/through Rana's door, which she opened as we were in operation, long story short-She screamed, we ran. [Jon&Mike 3 Rana 0]