Sunday, August 16, 2009

First Day of Band Camp=Intense

Yesterday I had to wake up at seven to be AT the CPA for band rehearsal at 8:00 in the morning. After three hours of baking in the sun, we got a break for lunch, then from 1 to 4 we rehearsed again, then we had to be back for a meeting at 6...everywhere we go we have to bring our water, our music, our instrument, and a stand. Not one of those cheap wire stands either, these ones are legit. Its almost exactly like freshman year Normandy. They had a lot of people drop out and not do it this year because they had a really chillax person running the camp, then all of a sudden a new person comes in and wants to get stuff done. Mr.Moro reminds me EXACTLY of Mr.Z, I swear they could be cousins. Then my section leaders are like Tyler Petek and Dan F., and one of my field commanders is like Ceara Bozikis...its weird...I like it so far I guess, not just band-UT in general. Mr.Moro outlawed other college apperal yesterday, he said that we should have pride in our own schoool, and that if we want to wear a school's uniform, then why not UT's? I agree. Oh, since this is college we get to play TWO shows, the first one is a Russian show, and the second one is Motown. I think EVERYONE should come see a game, or even two games to see both of our shows at the Glass Bowl. Since its Sunday I dont have rehearsal till 1 o' clock so I've got some down time to memorize the music. LETS GO ROCKETS.

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